Saturday, November 29, 2008

Chattanooga Christmas Lighting 2008

Our annual Chattanooga Christmas lighting was last night - We started this in 2003 - it was much smaller than and in a different location - Over the years it has grown - and last night it was super crowded - I believe it was because the weather was so nice - they have this awsome live nativity scene - it's the girls favorite part - and than lots of music - boats with lights going down the river - and of course many vendors - just a fun way to start out the christmas season - Mom of course supplied us with a great dinner before we headed downtown - some great white bean chili with homemade chips in shapes of turkies and apples) - Had a fun time -

Taylor feeding Lauren before we left for the event -

Kisses with sissy

Taylor and Lauren

Sweet Baby Lauren

Another sister photo before leaving for the event

Walking a distance to get to the lighting - Auntie Kera, Unkle Jon, Cousins Kayden and Emery joined us -

Taylor and cousin Kayden full of energy running

Lauren "tagging along" in my Mia Tie (compliments of Aumie - which I LOVE - as does Lauren!!

The live Nativity scene

Some live animal - donkey I think! :)

Taylor able to pet a goat!!!

Emery hanging out with Aumie on her shoulders!!

Unkle Jon and Kayden (posing scary!!!)

Auntie Kera and Taylor

This picture was taken at least 5-6 times and Taylor is just like her mother - closing her eyes - we finally gave up!!! - Still a cute picture with Aumie!!

Me and my beautiful mother --
Taylor, Lauren and me!!

Auntie Kera and cousin Emery
Cousin Kayden drinking hot chocolate

Taylor also drinking hot chocolate

Fireworks at the end of the festivities

Christmas tree

Christmas Tree for 2008 -

So the girls and I went Christmas tree shopping friday - I have decided that I like the tall thin frasiers (sp??) - I grew up with fat ones and last year didn't have the room for a fat one and got a tall thin one and actually loved it - So this year we went with the same - really was not all that hard since they only had 2 to choose from - again these are not in order - Sorry!!!

Getting ready to take our tree home!!

The tree is ready to go to it's new home - safe and secure on the car!! (we hope!!)

Tay and I posing in front of our tree - Lauren is being carried right in front of me but you can't see her - she was in on the fun!!
Cutting our tree
This is it!!

And Taylor thinks the same!!
Getting lost in all of the trees!!

Thanksgiving 2008

So Thanksgiving was a little different this year - Mom was working, Gram was (and still is) at Lifecare for Rehab, Karlie in Knoxville, Kera (was suppose to work but God was good to her and she had the day off) - However, my brother in law Jon has family who are always so good to us and had us over - We spent the afternoon at his brother Adams new home and had a great time and awsome food!!! Taylor and I had some sort of stomach virus the day before and I was unable to cook my part - so all we showed up with was cresant rolls - We did have so much to be grateful for this year though - My grandmother had a stroke in October and is doing amazing well - we never thought we see her walk - or feed hersself - or understand her when she talks - My sister Karlie has completely turned her life upside down and lets just say that we have her back in our lives and are so happy about it - We welcomed Lauren Elisabeth into our lives in September - And I just have to add how thankful I am for my mother and sister Kera - It's been a hard 2 months but we have been able to lean on each other and help each other out through out these hard times - I have an amazing family and couldn't be more grateful for each one - And let me not keep out my oldest daughter - She is the best big sister and I am so proud and thankful for her each day - so even though it was not our typical thanksgiving it was a good day and God has truly blessed us this past year!!!

Taylor running out to take some pictures (which she was not thrilled about!)

Taylor and Lauren with their monogrammed apron and bib (c0mpliments of Aumie!!!)

The 3 cousins - (poor girls get so sick of taking pictures - )

Miss Lauren posing for her picture

The 4 girlies - Are they not the cutest girls ever?!!!!

Taylor looking so thrilled (not!!) while cousin Emery loves on her - (Em just loves her cousin Tay)

Mom spent the night before baking this amazing turkey for work only to have me take it home - and I wasen't complaining because our family (AKA - Mom and Gram) make the best turky/dressing ever - just felt bad for her doing all that work -

Visiting Aumie at work - (my daughter takes after me with the closed eyes!!!)

Cookies with Aumie -

So let me begin this blog with these pictures are NOT in any order - I started putting them in order and they place them backwards - note to self to load them backwards - and I'm too lazy to take the time to place them back into order - So hopefully you can follow them. My mother is known as Aumie to her grandaughters - my sister mentioned in her blog that my daughter does not know that she is her grandmother - it's her Aumie - and she loves her grandaughters to the moon and back - She enjoys doing fun activities with them. Does not care if her house is turned upside down by the time they leave either!!! So below are a few pictures to capture this fun time with her...

This was after cookie backing - Taylor and sissy Lauren

Cousin Emery loves Lauren - May not want her to talk though!!! - Do you see the eyes! :)

Talking to each other without using words - only little ones can do this!!

Taylor showing off her finished product

Aumie helping out Emery with decorating the cookies -

Proud Kayden showing off her pumpkin cookie -

Taylor decorating her cookies -

Aumie and Emery taking the cookies to the oven to be backed - Always letting the girls do as much as they can -

Whats a girl to do except cry when life become hard!!!

Emery and Taylor fighting over red hots (eyes for the Turkey cookies) and who wins??? Obviously Emery!!

Ready to be baked -

Aumie helping Taylor

Aumie and her girlies

How cute is this Turkey cookie? - Even better with the icing on him!

Aumie and Emery cutting out the cookies -

Kayden concentrating on cutting out the cookies -

Taylor cutting out her cookies -
How precious are my girls - Taylor teaching Lauren nose kisses -